Error Handling
Tips for handling errors nicely for the user.
# Report Exception
Sometimes an Exception (exn
) will happen during the lifecycle of an http request/response. You may want to respond with specific http codes, in which case you should use the typical response functions. There is also a convenience function to report exceptions Res.reportException
. Which will bypass the current request handler and instead apply the errorHandler
supplied when the naboris http server was created.
1exception BadThing(string);
3let startServer = () => {
4 let port = 9000;
5 let serverConfig = Naboris.ServerConfig.create()
6 |> Naboris.ServerConfig.setRequestHandler((route, req, res) =>
7 switch (Naboris.Route.meth(route), Naboris.Route.path(route)) {
8 | (GET, ["error"]) =>
9 Naboris.Res.reportException(BadThing("something bad"), req, res)
10 | _ =>
11 Naboris.Res.status(404, res)
12 |> Naboris.Res.text(req, "Not Found.");
13 })
14 |> Naboris.Server.setErrorHandler((error, _route) => {
15 let headers = [];
16 let body = switch (error) {
17 | BadThing(text) => text
18 | _ => "Unknown Error"
19 };
20 // expects a promise of a tuple containing headers and the body string
21 Lwt.return((headers, body));
22 });
24 Naboris.listenAndWaitForever(port, serverConfig);
1exception BadThing of string
3let start_server ()=
4 let port = 9000 in
5 let server_config = Naboris.ServerConfig.create()
6 |> Naboris.ServerConfig.setRequestHandler(fun route req res ->
7 match (Route.meth route, Route.path route) with
8 | (GET, ["error"]) ->
9 Naboris.Res.reportException (BadThing "") req res
10 | _ ->
11 Naboris.Res.status 404 res
12 |> Naboris.Res.text req "Not Found.")
13 |> Naboris.ServerConfig.setErrorHandler(fun error route ->
14 let headers = [] in
15 let body = match (error) with
16 | BadThing text -> text
17 | _ -> "Unknown Error" in
18 (* expects a promise of a tuple containing headers and the body string *)
19 Lwt.return((headers, body))) in
21 Naboris.listenAndWaitForever port server_config
23let _ = ())
# Error Handler
The above helper function Res.reportException
will respond to the current http request using the configured errorHandler
. This handler is provided by your ServerConfig.t
and is optional. By default it will respond with a plain/text
type and a body containing the output of Printexc.to_string
on the exn
Note: This helper always responds with a
Use ServerConfig.setErrorHandler
and provide an ErrorHandler.t
1// ServerConfig module
2let setErrorHandler: (ErrorHandler.t, t('sessionData)) => t('sessionData);
1(* ServerConfig module *)
2val setErrorHandler : ErrorHandler.t -> 'sessionData t -> 'sessionData t
is a function which takes as arguments the exn
passed in to Res.reportException
and the Route.t
of the current request. It then expects a return value of an Lwt
promise of a tuple of (headers * body)
. headers
being a (string * string) list
and body being a string
1// ErrorHandler module
2type t = (exn, Route.t) => Lwt.t((list((string, string)), string));
1(* ErrorHandler module *)
2type t = exn -> Route.t -> ((string * string) list * string) Lwt.t