
Decide how to respond to a clients request based on the shape of said request.

# Route Argument

Routing is usually done in the middleware and requestHandler functions. Both functions take, as their first argument, a Route.t record. This is a helper composed of useful information from the client's http request.

The Route module gives functions for pulling data out of the Route.t record.

2 Get path ([string list]) of [t].
3 *)
4val path: t -> string list
7 Get http method ([Method.t]) of [t].
8 *)
9val meth: t -> Method.t
12 Get query [sring] of [t].
13 *)
14val rawQuery: t -> string
17 Get query map [string list Query.QueryMap.t] ot [t].
18 *)
19val query: t -> string list Query.QueryMap.t
2 Get path ([list(string)]) of [t].
3 */
4let path: t => list(string);
7 Get http method ([Method.t]) of [t].
8 */
9let meth: t => Method.t;
12 Get query [sring] of [t].
13 */
14let rawQuery: t => string;
17 Get query map [Query.QueryMap.t(list(string))] ot [t].
18 */
19let query: t => Query.QueryMap.t(list(string));

It is worth noting that path is a URI split by / characters gathered in a list. For example: /my/favorite/api/endpoint would be a list of "my", "favorite", "api", "endpoint". This structure allows for easily matching on URI parameters.

# Examples

Routing is most often done via pattern matching. This makes it very simple to route request to functions based on a combination of http method and URI.

2  |> Naboris.ServerConfig.setRequestHandler((route, req, res) => {
3    switch(Naboris.Route.meth(route), Naboris.Route.path(route)) {
4      | (GET, ["users"]) => // matches /users
5        UserController.getAllUsers(req, res);
6      | (POST, ["users"]) => // matches /users
7        UserController.createUser(req, res);
8      | (GET, ["users", userId]) => // matches /users/:userId with a URI parameter
9        UserController.getUser(userId, req, res);
10      | (PUT, ["users", userId]) => // matches /users/:userId with a URI parameter
11        UserController.updateUser(userId, req, res);
12      | (GET, ["blog", "articles"]) => // matches /blog/articles
13        ArticleController.getAllArticles(req, res);
14      | (_, ["shop", ..._rest]) => // match all request that begin with /shop
15        ShopRouter.routeShopRequest(route, req, res);
16      | _ => // catch any unmatched routes
17        res
18          |> Naboris.Res.status(404)
19          |> Naboris.Res.text(req, 'Not Found');
20    }
21  });
2  |> Naboris.ServerConfig.setRequestHandler (fun route req res ->
3    match(Naboris.Route.meth route, Naboris.Route.path route) with
4      | (GET, ["users"]) -> (* matches /users *)
5        UserController.get_all_users req res
6      | (POST, ["users"]) -> (* matches /users *)
7        UserController.create_user req res
8      | (GET, ["users"; user_id]) -> (* matches /users/:user_id with a URI parameter *)
9        UserController.get_user userId req res
10      | (PUT, ["users"; user_id]) -> (* matches /users/:user_id with a URI parameter *)
11        UserController.update_user userId req res
12      | (PUT, ["blog"; "articles"]) -> (* matches /blog/articles *)
13        ArticleController.get_all_articles route req res
14      | (_, "shop" :: _rest) -> (* matches all requests that begin with /shop *)
15        ShopRouter.route_shop_request req res
16      | _ -> (* catch any unmatched routes *)
17        res
18          |> Naboris.Res.status 404
19          |> Naboris.Res.text req 'Not Found')
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