
Managing sessions in naboris.

# Session Data

Many Naboris types take the parameter 'sessionData this represents a custom data type that will define session data that will be attached to an incoming request.

# Session Config

ServerConfig.setSessionConfig will return a new server configuration with the desired session configuration. This call consists of one required argument mapSession and three optional arguments ~maxAge, ~sidKey, and ~secret.

1let setSessionConfig: (~maxAge: int=?, ~sidKey: string=?, ~secret: string=?, option(string) => Lwt.t(option(Session.t('sessionData))), ServerConfig.t('sessionData)) => ServerConfig.t('sessionData);
1val setSessionConfig: ?maxAge: int -> ?sidKey: string -> ?secret: string -> string option -> 'sessionData Session.t option Lwt.t -> 'sessionData ServerConfig.t -> 'sessionData ServerConfig.t
  • sidKey - string (optional) - The key used to store the session id in browser cookies. Defaults to "nab.sid".
  • maxAge - int (optional) - The max age of session cookies in seconds. Defaults to 2592000 (30 days).
  • secret - string (optional) - A secret string used to sign session id cookies.
  • mapSession - covered in the section below.

# Session Mapping

mapSession is a special function that is used to set session data on an incoming request based on the requests cookies. The signature looks like: option(string) => Lwt.t(option(Naboris.Session.t('sessionData))). That's a complicated type signature that expresses that the request may or may not have a sessionId; and given that fact it may or may not return a session.

1// ReasonML
2// Your custom data type
3type userData = {
4  userId: int,
5  username: string,
6  firstName: string,
7  lastName: string,
8  isAdmin: bool,
11let serverConfig: Naboris.ServerConfig(userData) = Naboris.ServerConfig.create()
12  |> Naboris.ServerConfig.setSessionConfig(sessionId => switch(sessionId) {
13    | Some(id) =>
14      /* for the sake of this example we're not using ppx or infix */
15      /* lwt promises can be made much easier to read by using these */
16      Lwt.bind(getUserDataById(id),
17        userData => {
18          let session = Naboris.Session.create(id, userData);
19          Lwt.return(Some(session));
20        }
21      );
22    | None => Lwt.return(None);
23  })
24  |> Naboris.ServerConfig.setRequestHandler((route, req, res) => switch(Naboris.Route.meth(meth), Naboris.Route.path(route)) {
25    | (Naboris.Method.POST, ["login"]) =>
26      let (req2, res2, _sessionId) =
27        /* Begin a session */
28        Naboris.SessionManager.startSession(
29          req,
30          res,
31          {
32            userId: 1,
33            username: "foo",
34            firstName: "foo",
35            lastName: "bar",
36            isAdmin: false,
37          },
38        );
39        Naboris.Res.status(200, res2) |> Naboris.Res.text(req2, "OK");
40    | (Naboris.Method.GET, ["who-am-i"]) =>
41      /* Get session data from the request */
42      switch (Naboris.Req.getSessionData(req)) {
43      | None =>
44        Naboris.Res.status(404, res) |> Naboris.Res.text(req, "Not found")
45      | Some(userData) =>
46        Naboris.Res.status(200, res)
47        |> Naboris.Res.text(req, userData.username)
48      };
49  });
1(* OCaml *)
2(* Your custom session data *)
3type user_data = {
4  userId: int;
5  username: string;
6  first_name: string;
7  last_name: string;
8  is_admin: bool
11let serverConfig: user_data Naboris.ServerConfiguserData = Naboris.ServerConfig.create ()
12  |> Naboris.ServerConfig.setSessionConfig (fun session_id ->
13    match (session_id) with
14      | Some(id) =>
15        (* for the sake of this example we're not using ppx or infix *)
16        (* lwt promises can be made much easier to read by using these *)
17        Lwt.bind (get_user_data_by_id id) (fun user_data ->
18          let session = Naboris.Session.create id user_data in
19	  Lwt.return Some(session)
20        )
21    | None => Lwt.return None)
22  |> Naboris.ServerConfig.setRequestHandler (fun route, req, res ->
23    match ((Naboris.Route.meth route), (Naboris.Route.path route)) with
24      | (Naboris.Method.POST, ["login"]) ->
25        let (req2, res2, _session_id) =
26        (* Begin a session *)
27          Naboris.SessionManager.startSession req res {
28            userId= 1;
29            username= "foo";
30            first_name= "foo";
31            last_name= "bar";
32            is_admin= false
33          } in
34        Naboris.Res.status 200 res2
35          |> Naboris.Res.text req2, "OK"
36    | (Naboris.Method.GET, ["who-am-i"]) ->
37      (* Get session data from the request *)
38      match (Naboris.Req.getSessionData req) with
39        | None ->
40          Naboris.Res.status 404 res
41            |> Naboris.Res.text req "Not found"
42        | Some(user_data) ->
43          Naboris.Res.status 200 res
44            |> Naboris.Res.text req user_data.username)

# Starting Sessions

SessionManager.startSession generates a new session id string value and adds Set-Cookie header to a new Res.t. Useful for handling a login request.

1let startSession: (Req.t('sessionData), Res.t, 'sessionData) => (Req.t('sessionData), Res.t, string);
1val startSession: 'sessionData Req.t -> Res.t -> 'sessionData -> 'sessionData Req.t * Res.t * string

An example login request might look like this:

1| (Naboris.Method.POST, ["login"]) =>
2  let (req2, res2, _sid) =
3    Naboris.SessionManager.startSession(
4      req,
5      res,
6      TestSession.{username: "realsessionuser"},
7    );
8  Naboris.Res.status(200, res2) |> Naboris.Res.text(req2, "OK");
1| (Naboris.Method.POST, ["login"]) ->
2  let (req2, res2, _sid) = Naboris.SessionManager.startSession
3    req
4    res
5    TestSession.{username= "realsessionuser"} in
6  (Naboris.Res.status 200 res2) |> Naboris.Res.text req2 "OK"

# Invalidate Sessions

SessionManager.removeSession adds Set-Cookie header to a new Res.t to expire the session id cookie. Useful for handling a logout request.

1let removeSession: (Req.t('sessionData), Res.t) => Res.t;
1val removeSession: 'sessionData Req.t -> Res.t -> Res.t

An example logout request might look like this:

1| (Naboris.Method.GET, ["logout"]) =>
2  Naboris.SessionManager.removeSession(req, res)
3    |> Naboris.Res.status(200)
4    |> Naboris.Res.text(req, "OK");
1| (Naboris.Method.GET, ["logout"]) ->
2  Naboris.SessionManager.removeSession req res
3    |> Naboris.Res.status 200
4    |> Naboris.Res.text req "OK";
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